
IMG_1930If it’s Tuesday, this must be…wait, I’m not sure where I am on Tuesday. If all went according to plan I’m in a place where the air is warm, the water is warmer, and the scenery is hot. And I’m in hiding.

Hiding in plain sight, as it were, since I’m not actually holed up in some witness protection program safe house in [redacted]. I’m not under wraps, physically or metaphorically. I’m just not online. Yeah, hard to believe. I’m actually off the grid, at least the internet part of the grid. And the phone part. And the American soil part.

I’m happy to report that [redacted] is a wonderful place. So was [redacted]. I’m sure [redacted] will also be amazing. At least that’s the plan since I’m writing this and scheduling it in advance. Technology is amazing that way.

Being away from the internet is an interesting experience. Normally the net is always a click away, a fact that asserts its ability to distract aggressively. Even when traveling outside the U.S. my phone can normally find Wi-Fi in the hotel or airport or some other not-so-convenient location. This time the only access to internet required dipping heavily into retirement savings or winning the last lottery. The latter didn’t happen and we decided not to stoop to the former. Result – no internet for the entire trip.

I’m taking this as a challenge. I have my laptop and am likely tapping away some grand Work-in-Progress even as you are reading these words. Actually, that’s probably only true if you are reading during my evening time since my day times are booked galloping around various [redacted…almost missed that one]. I’m enjoying the antetechno age restraints. Luckily I have a vague memory of such an age that by my very presence I know I survived, so I have high hopes for this period of isolation.

Okay, isolation is a bit melodramatic given that I’m surrounded by over 300 other isolationists like myself (some of whom may actually not be so isolated), but being cut off from my usual full-connect life will still be new sate of affairs for me.

So enjoy reading this missive as I enjoy my current adventure. Tons of photos and stories will no doubt follow me home. Assuming I remember where I left it.

David J. Kent is the author of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (Fall River Press) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate. His next book is about Thomas Edison, due in Barnes and Noble stores in summer 2016.

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