

Candle_flameOne moment it was there; the next, lost.

Focus. Such an elusive entity, flitting in and out of existence like a candle‘s flame in a summer storm.

Focus. That that flows nimbly from fingers to keyboard for minutes, even hours at a time. Words appear on the screen as if thoughts transfer directly from brain to palette. Colors emerging on the whiteness as if painting themselves, layering their spirits into sentences and paragraphs and windows into souls. Lives creating substance in front of eyes watching miracles radiate from the depths of nothingness, becoming whole, entire, complete. Flesh animating from one dimension to two to three…to more. Zen pouring out into words, which become mirrors into inner consciousness.

And then a sneeze and the focus is gone.

I try to relight the flame but the candle doesn’t burn again. A flicker, a whisper, and then nothing.

Focus. Such an elusive entity.

David J. Kent is the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, due out in late July 2017. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) (both Fall River Press) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.